We work flexible hourly rates, fixed fees and commisions
What does XBMS offer?
XBMS offers both online and offline services for companies to expand and explore new markets
Software Questions
What options does XBMSoftware offer?
XBMSoftware offers a wide range of CRM/Marketing and Translation services like: Video editing, Social media planning, Website tracking, Email template designer, Lead generation tools and much more.
What industries do you service?
We offer our software to wide range of companies but our primary customers come from Automotive, Electronics, Aerospace and Pharmaceutical Industry.
Can change my plan after I signed on?
Yes, our software plans are fully flexible to scale up or down and you are free to cancel if we do not deliver as expected.
Can I hire fulltime employees through XBMS?
Yes, we do offer employment services to our customers.
Which expertise are you focuses on?
Mainly Software, Pharmaceutical and Equipment manufacturers.